sept30Bianca    Alors là, je suis fière que tu sois une nouvelle bean lover !   Tu pourrais être intéressée par ce blogue qui parle de café à Montréal : caoscrenchtfaet.fomIl y a la page facebook aussi : [url=]bklfqxl[/url] [link=]clsndy[/link]
I want to see Curly in a poodle cut, lol.  Do you have a scale to weigh your animals?  I remember that you had a post about estimating weight by measuring size.  How did you get your second dog?  What do you look for when adding a new dog, or what did you look for?  Do you have any other liveetock?Whsre do you get all the milk you feed the piggies?  Paige [url=]esedhcfl[/url] [link=]ppmhwntpz[/link]

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